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Leadership in AA: Ever a Vital Need

December 1976
True as it was in the beginning, it is even more so today with AA membership tripled to over a million - From the April 1959 Grapevine

Celebrating Sobriety

December 1976
To go from despair into joy and laughter is cause enough to light the lights

No Room at the Church

December 1976
At first it seemed that the Christmas Eve AA meeting would be canceled

Do Your Own Thing--Period!

December 1976
Trouble taught the group:

A Gift Unexpected

December 1976
When the miracle happened, that cold December 24 became a day in summer

Do We Just Forgive Fellow AAs?

December 1976

Sober for Thirty Years

November 1976
One of the earliest members of the first New York AA group, he was also its first "self-proclaimed atheist" - From the May 1968 Grapevine

Short Takes

November 1976

Give Me Liberty!

October 1976
In AA we demand - But that doesn't give us the right to push others around

Let the Bum Find Us

October 1976
Till we get the message to him, the suffering alcoholic is the public


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