Service Opportunity

Grapevine Representatives are the link between AA Grapevine and the groups. It's a fun way to get involved! All you have to do is announce the latest issue at your meeting, let people know how they can participate by sending in stories, or jokes. It's easy to get started. Simply let your homegroup know that you are interested. Register with us online and you will receive a complete information kit from the Grapevine office.

If you would like to mail or fax your registration, you may download the form here.



• Announce the latest issue at your meeting.

• Talk about the magazine's content - the stories make great topics for discussion.

• Encourage your group to participate by sending in stories, artwork, or jokes.

• Spread the word about Grapevine's new services and products.


• Offer to be of service - let your home group know that you are interested.

• Register with us online

• You will receive a complete information kit from the Grapevine office.

Grapevine Representatives are the link between AA Grapevine and the groups. It's a fun way to get involved! All you have to do is announce the latest issue at your meeting, let people know how they can participate by sending in stories, artwork, or jokes. This is a great way to carry the message of AA and to stay sober!

It's easy to get started. Simply let your homegroup know that you are interested. Then, fill out our online registration form, and you will receive a complete information kit from the Grapevine office.

You will get the Digital Grapevine Kit. In the meantime, and for additional resources, visit the Grapevine resource page at
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