Grapevine Online Exclusives

Last Day, First Week, And One Year Later

The day she took her last drink was like any other day in a chain of drinking days—but the next day, and the next and the next, were very different

To the best of my recall, my last day of drinking was a day like any other. I suffered through the worst of the hangover in the early morning and began to think about the first drink around 10 o’clock. If I was home, I no doubt waited for my husband, Philip, to be distracted or out of the house, and then poured myself a small juice glass of wine and took the first welcome sips. I hid the glass on a shelf in my office closet and kept it topped up until lunchtime, when I began to drink openly. That is, I drank one and a half glasses of wine with lunch, demonstrating my restraint, as Phil was sure to be monitoring my intake.


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