More Ups than Downs
May 2011 | Steps

More ups than downs

A prank shows her the futility of her rage while working on the Fifth Step

This past winter, I drove down to our little park, and some teenagers began throwing snowballs at my car. One hit my windshield hard. I burst into a rage. I ground my teeth as I stopped the car. The kids must have seen that I was furious. How gratifying! I got out of the car, and I can’t tell you what my intentions were. Was I going to kill all the little darlings and chop them into small pieces? The absurdity of the thing hit me, and I began to laugh. I made a couple of snowballs and threw them at the kids. They threw a few at me. A good time was now being had by all. I said, “I think my score’s pretty good for an adult.” And I got back into the car and drove off, laughing.


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