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February 1948

A. A. Digest--

Excerpts from Group Publications

The Visitor, F.C.I., Sandstone, Minn.--"I've tried many different reforms, churches and institutions in my pursuit for truth, but as yet, I have found none which gives the satisfactory answers to the questions I naturally put to them. Actual faith in anything which does not come under the feeling of my own two hands is extremely difficult for me because I can't believe in things which to me are magical promises. The greater power which guides me is an A.A. member who has maintained sobriety for a decade. He is the living proof that I will have peace of mind and contentment for as long as I want it. He is stronger than I. He is a power greater than I. I look up to him, not in adoration as one would to a God, but in humble respect. I can only respect A.A. members and earnestly strive to imitate them."


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