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June 1949

Do We Realize?

"WE wonder if one of the reasons some of our newer members have been having a little trouble in making the Program might not be because of the fact that so few people realize they are new members. It's very easy, with our sensational growth in recent years, to see a stranger about the club and wonder if you've met him or not. Chances are in many cases that he feels a little out of place, if the older members don't make him welcome. Some fellows who come up, of course, aren't too shy to introduce themselves, but having someone show some interest in a new man who's having trouble staying out of bars would certainly lend him a sizable hunk of moral support. Let's see if we can't meet some of the strange faces with an open hand instead of leaving them in a corner to fight their own loneliness. After all, when a man is new in the organization, he's very apt to feel that all of his so-called 'real' friends are still in the saloons. Let's not drive him back by appearing to be unsociable."


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