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Magazine Issue


A Week in the Life of Lisa

August 2019 | African-American Alcoholics in AA
The call to service unites a group of AA women around one troubled soul

Bring to the table

July 2019 | The Prison Issue
A sober prisoner discovers that hanging out in the day room is the place to be

Pain in the neck

April 2019 | Relapse
At eight months sober, he got a prescription—but his disease was three steps ahead

Yes, me

April 2019 | Relapse

My Road to Happy Destiny

April 2019 | Relapse
Passing on the message that service can broaden, enlighten and define your sobriety

All are welcome

February 2019 | Stories by Our Longtime Members
How a barn that love built became the go-to place for meetings, picnics, campouts and joy

A word from my sponsor

December 2018 | Sober for the Holidays and Remote Communities

Peace on the inside

February 2018 | Title Goes Here
As the hospital helps him with his mental illness, the AA meetings give him hope until one day he can get out

Doctor know

February 2018 | Title Goes Here
If this psychiatrist was so smart about alcoholism, how did he end up in his own detox unit?

The Real Me Now

February 2018 | Title Goes Here
Through the beauty of nature and the AA program, she is able to find serenity—and her true self—at last


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