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Magazine Issue


Out of the Doghouse

September 2024 | Young and Sober
A family’s shared love and sadness turned a time of grief into a new beginning

When Sharing Matters

September 2024 | Young and Sober
An oldtimer recalls three powerful stories about the unexpected ways what he said or did changed lives

On Second Thought

September 2024 | Young and Sober

Sharing the Good Stuff

September 2024 | Young and Sober
After 50 years in the program, he finds that reaching out is still critical, whether in person or with his pen

Sharing the Good Stuff

Magazine Issue September 2024 | Topics Oldtimers Gratitude Homegroup/Meetings Service/Into Action

When Sharing Matters

Magazine Issue September 2024 | Topics Homegroup/Meetings Personal Stories Relapse Sponsorship

On Second Thought

Magazine Issue September 2024 | Topics Oldtimers Getting through Adversity Gratitude Homegroup/Meetings Sponsorship

Out of the Doghouse

Magazine Issue September 2024 | Topics Homegroup/Meetings Personal Stories Relationships

Boy Meets Girl on AA Campus

August 2024 | Dating & Relationships
How a tumultuous relationship at seven years sober brought him closer to prayer, the program and other sober guys

Getting Hooked In

August 2024 | Dating & Relationships
Moving and finding new meetings can be tough. One member says it’s a great time to become a beginner again


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