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Magazine Issue


First Steps Out of Agnosticism

April 1968
He had failed himself as his own god; now where should he look for meaning?

Mr. Hyde Doesn't Die

April 1968
The boozer in us is still there, but put to sleep by AA. This member woke up his Mr. Hyde with a single beer

You Can Carry the Message on the Job

April 1968
This AA cooperated with his progressive firm in helping fellow employees start sober living

A Cloud No Bigger than a Man's Hand Or Body Blows to the Well-beloved Bean

April 1968
A JAMA editorial of more than passing interest to AAs

Where the Splendor Is

April 1968
It's no easy thing to know ourselves and to know others, but the <emphasis type="underline">effort</emphasis> to know is the highroad to love

I Used AA to Kick Drugs

April 1968

Those Were the Years That Were

April 1968
And those were the years of the Lady Marchers, among other things. . .

Life Really Did Begin at 40

April 1968
It has been twenty years since that birthday and his life "slowly and surely has become richer

Short Takes

April 1968

Came to Believe

April 1968


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