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End Of My Rope

Web Exclusives | Grapevine Online Exclusives
A dying man’s heartfelt words

The Little Oak Tree

Web Exclusives | Grapevine Online Exclusives
It takes loving care and plenty of light to grow an oak tree—and a sober alcoholic

Cold Land Warm Hearts

December 2023 | Remote Communities and sober holidays
How would they find alcoholics to help in a small, remote Arctic town? One guy had a terrific solution

A place to call home

December 2023 | Remote Communities and sober holidays
A member of a remote connections committee shares his wonderful journey in service

So far yet so close

December 2023 | Remote Communities and sober holidays
A remote teacher at a First Nations community two hours from the nearest grocery store shares how he stays sober and connected

Mom’s Holiday Gift

December 2023 | Remote Communities and sober holidays
At two years sober, she was tempted by some bubbly Christmas “cheer.” Luckily she thought the drink through

Cold Land Warm Hearts

Magazine Issue December 2023 | Topics Remote Communities Spirituality

A place to call home

Magazine Issue December 2023 | Topics COVID-19 Remote Communities

So far yet so close

Magazine Issue December 2023 | Topics COVID-19 Homegroup/Meetings Remote Communities Service/Into Action

Mom’s Holiday Gift

Magazine Issue December 2023 | Topics Beginners/Newcomers Family Fun in Sobriety Holidays Homegroup/Meetings


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