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AA News - Name That Theme!

August 2021 | Seniors in AA
For the 2025 International Convention

The 73 - year-old Newcomer

Magazine Issue August 2021 | Topics Gratitude Homegroup/Meetings Spirituality Sponsorship

Name That Theme! - AA News

Magazine Issue August 2021 | Topics AA News and Events

Unexpected Retreat

June 2021 | Dating & Relationships
Where would she ever find AA on a remote mountain during a pandemic? She was about to be surprised

Dear Grapevine

Magazine Issue May 2021 | Topics Letters from Readers (Dear Grapevine)

A Spirit Like Nowhere Else

February 2022 | Getting Through Tough Times
In the Gulf Islands of British Columbia, the love of the Fellowship makes this member feel right at home

Rescue Mission

January 2021 | Oldtimers!
A sober book lover opens a new chapter of helping others as he hunts for lost treasures that give him joy

Rescue Mission

Magazine Issue January 2021 | Topics Gratitude Homegroup/Meetings Personal Stories Relapse Service/Into Action

My Oasıs

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
Except for an occasional scorpion or two, this wonderful desert meeting was her safe, sober home

$8 an hour

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
After liquor destroyed his career, he had to start all over again. With a leap of faith, he took his sponsor’s suggestion


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