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January 2018 | Sponsorship
We face complaints from the minute we make that first pot of coffee for our home group to the day we’re voted GSR. Responding with grace and dignity is what counts

Finding the Path

January 2018 | Sponsorship
She was young, partied hard, went to jail—but never stopped seeking the right path to God and sobriety

What’s On Your Mind: Using the Traditions

January 2018 | Sponsorship
A home group discovers a way to take the Traditions off the wall of the meeting room and place them at the heart of the group conscience

From Fear to Freedom

January 2018 | Sponsorship
Her panic attacks were so profound she couldn’t even speak at meetings. Until she learned that fear itself can be a gift of sobriety

Changing Boats

November 2013
The fellowship he found in the rooms was much more real than the one he found in the bars

Sober Foundation

November 2013
In AA, she learned how to rebuild her life

Living Without Drinking

November 2013
While living in a halfway house, he learned how to stay sober through service

The Open Hand of Friendship

November 2013
Shaking and scared, a newcomer is taken under the wing of an AA at a meeting

Surrender, Not Submission

November 2013
After a relapse, she changed the way she practiced the program

Sterling's Son

November 2013
After getting sober in AA, he was able to become the son he always had wanted to be


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