The problem and the actress
November 2019
| Grapevine Classics
In 1960, a Hollywood star tells of her fear of being found out and what it took to get help in AA—courage
A wind of spirit
November 2019
| Grapevine Classics
A Wyoming man’s relapse on Thanksgiving day leads him back to the Steps and a spiritual journey
Me—a Speaker?
November 2019
| Grapevine Classics
Calm and quiet
November 2019
| Grapevine Classics
After struggling to find an Eleventh Step practice that works for him, he took a leap of faith and finally found emotional balance
The parade in my head
November 2019
| Grapevine Classics
Smarter phones
November 2019
| Grapevine Classics
Texting and posting can be tricky when it comes to anonymity. There are guidelines that can help
Now, that’s attraction
November 2019
| Grapevine Classics
Wherever you go
November 2019
| Grapevine Classics
Her move to Florida would’ve gone a whole lot easier had she remembered her sponsor’s wise words
What happened to Ted?
November 2019
| Grapevine Classics
The Carry the Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions to alcoholics in need. It's not necessary to know the recipient! Sponsor a subscription for someone behind bars, in a treatment facility, nursing home, or who is homebound.