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Magazine Issue


Alcoholism At Large

November 2022 | Fun in Sobriety

My Adventures in China

November 2022 | Fun in Sobriety
A member shares about staying sober and making friends far, far from home

Our Feet Will Know What to Do

November 2022 | Fun in Sobriety
When sadness, pain and tragedy come he stays close, shares and takes action

A Matter of Prayer

November 2022 | Fun in Sobriety
How did these men and women get it? Did it fall from the sky? Did they learn it in Sunday school? Did they find it in the self-help section at a bookstore?
I don’t think so.

My Adventures in China

Magazine Issue November 2022 | Topics Grapevine Literature Service/Into Action Travel in Sobriety

Our Feet Will Know What to Do

Magazine Issue November 2022 | Topics Family Getting through Adversity Gratitude Personal Stories Service/Into Action

A Matter of Prayer

Magazine Issue November 2022 | Topics Prayer and meditation Service/Into Action Spirituality

Greeter? What’s a Greeter?

June 2021 | Dating & Relationships
Setting up chairs? Putting out the books? She’s thrilled to be sober, but what’s everyone talking about?

It takes love

June 2021 | Dating & Relationships
With acceptance, willingness and lots of help, a sober guy heals his way into a true partnership

The Crazy 8

June 2021 | Dating & Relationships
A jovial crew of eager volunteers gathers to bring love and fellowship to a sponsor on the mend


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