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Magazine Issue


A Better Fit

March 2020 | Puzzled
How 10 aching toes became a powerful lesson about the dangers of being right

The best things in life Aren’t things

March 2020 | Puzzled
There’s nothing here I wish wasn’t. I’m more content in my old house than I would be in a five-star hotel anywhere else in the world.

Letter from the Editor

Magazine Issue March 2020 | Topics Letters from the Editor

The best things in life Aren’t things

Magazine Issue March 2020 | Topics Emotional Sobriety Gratitude Homegroup/Meetings Personal Stories Relapse

A Better Fit

Magazine Issue March 2020 | Topics Emotional Sobriety Gratitude Homegroup/Meetings Personal Stories Relapse Spirituality Sponsorship

Editor's Note

November 2003

Quote of the Month

November 2003

A Tale Of Two Alkies

November 2003
They were my brothers and closer than I knew

Will You and I Have Another Chance?

September 1954
For every member who tells of his slip in humility and gratitude for another chance, there is at least one who will never tell the story of his last chance.

The Bums Are Threatening My Sobriety

September 1954
An Open Letter to Anyone Who Will Hold Still <lbAmong the Flatbush Faithful only, that is. All others may turn the page in silent respect for the grieving. (Ed. note: unless The Bums have crossed us up and changed the picture by press date!)


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