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Making things possible

May 2022 | 60th Anniversary of the Concepts
Learning about the Concepts opened his eyes and helped him stay connected during the COVID pandemic

A Different Perspectıve

May 2022 | 60th Anniversary of the Concepts
Once she got a service sponsor general service became her passion, and a whole new world opened up

A stronger group

May 2022 | 60th Anniversary of the Concepts
Substantial unanimity helps the majority slow down and hear the voice of the minority opinion. Sometimes the voice of a loving God is trying to speak through others.

AA will catch us

May 2022 | 60th Anniversary of the Concepts
As she swings through AA life, she knows it’s OK to take chances because the Concepts help form a safety net

We Celebrate Our 12 Concepts

May 2022 | 60th Anniversary of the Concepts
60 wonderful years of love, tolerance, patience and decision-making

Dear Grapevine

May 2022 | 60th Anniversary of the Concepts

Letter from the Editor

May 2022 | 60th Anniversary of the Concepts

AA News

May 2022 | 60th Anniversary of the Concepts
Call for stories

60 Reasons to Love the Concepts!

May 2022 | 60th Anniversary of the Concepts
A past delegate from New Jersey celebrates the 60th Anniversary of our Twelve Concepts for World Service.

Alcoholism at large

May 2022 | 60th Anniversary of the Concepts
Life Achievements linked to sustained recovery


The Carry the Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions to alcoholics in need. It's not necessary to know the recipient! Sponsor a subscription for someone behind bars, in a treatment facility, nursing home, or who is homebound.

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