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Deliver With Care

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
The house had two communal copies of the Big Book, and that was all. My new sponsee had very little money, so I got her a copy of each book.

Faith in the Time of COVID

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
Could she maintain emotional sobriety with the COVID bully at her door? She and her Higher Power had a plan

Discussion Topic

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
Getting through COVID-19

22 Hours a day

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
During COVID lockdown, literature is his hope

Let’s Use Them Wisely

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
“Nothing can matter more to the future welfare of AA than the manner in which we use this colossus of communication.” —Bill W., 1960

Welcome To 2020

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
No meeting rooms? Share on camera? Unmute? How will we do this? COVID-19 kicked this old-timer’s program into high gear

A Journey Toward Responsibility

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
How Tradition Nine put her on the path to discover the wonderful world of AA beyond the group, and a host of spiritual principles

A New View

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
The beauty of making amends and not shutting the door on the past is that a window opens to help others

Good Things to Come

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
Getting sober young wasn’t easy. But with a lot of help, he got in the car and hit the road for a long, wonderful life

Looking for Loopholes

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
Young and full of rage, she tried her best to get kicked out of AA. Problem was, people just kept loving her


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