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More Valuable Than Ever

May 2021 | Our Twelve Steps
In the right hands, a Big Book never stops working. And this member’s copy has had some wonderful lives

A Time For Acceptance

May 2021 | Our Twelve Steps
The mother of an essential worker shares how AA helps her stay sane and grateful during a pandemic

Sharing Everything

May 2021 | Our Twelve Steps
Who knew he’d have a spiritual experience telling his secrets one morning to
a man he barely knew?

To Live in Peace

May 2021 | Our Twelve Steps
For years she wanted a God she could trust. With a good sponsor and a little faith, she finally found it through the Steps

Never More Awake

May 2021 | Our Twelve Steps
When I began taking others through the Steps, I noticed a feeling wash over me. I began to understand how my own story could benefit another.

Keys, Title & a Hug

May 2021 | Our Twelve Steps
After hitting a sober bottom, a newcomer gets busy doing the Steps with his sponsor and things start looking up

These Steps Work

May 2021 | Our Twelve Steps
What a game changer. Once she took action and finished her Fourth Step, there was no turning back

AA News

May 2021 | Our Twelve Steps
Powerful Tools

More Valuable Than Ever

Magazine Issue May 2021 | Topics Sponsorship

A Time For Acceptance

Magazine Issue May 2021 | Topics COVID-19 Homegroup/Meetings Personal Stories Sponsorship


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