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Web Exclusive: Playing God

September 2011
After years of not being able to stop drinking, he came to understand the importance of the Third Step

Go Mow the Lawn

September 2011
Once she grabbed the tools, she became the person she was meant to be

Built on Rock

September 2011
He learned that a strong belief in a higher power was the foundation he needed to stay sober

My Parking Spot God

September 2011
She learned that she was going to need God's help for more than just the little stuff

After the Fire

September 2011
Upon completing a Fifth Step, a member experiences a powerful connection with her higher power

A Starry Night in June

September 2011
Not everyone has a white light experience as described by Bill W., but there's lots of variation on the light spectrum

The Garden of the Present Moment

September 2011
A Buddhist in AA talks about how through sobriety, he was able to truly practice his faith

Stories of Step Two

September 2011
In "After the Fire," a member completes a Fifth Step and experiences a powerful connection with her higher power

Six-pack and Back

September 2011
After 34 years in and out, a man finally finds his HP and gets sober

Sign of Hope

September 2011


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