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The Permanent Visitor Comes Home

March 2017
Coming up on a year, a traveling newcomer arrives back to his home group to find an unexpected gift

Finding Life And Family

March 2017
A woman’s 30 year journey out of fear and into sobriety, taken one step at a time

Answering The Call

March 2017
He never asked for help because he thought no one would come to his aid, until he got sober and discovered that reaching out is part of the AA Fellowship

A Psychic Change

March 2017
Waking up in a hospital bed, diagnosed with alcoholic dementia, he found his way out of the fog with the help of his Higher Power

The Magic Jug

March 2017
Alcohol used to provide all the magic she needed, but a sudden, profound spiritual experience showed her the magic to be found in home, family and AA

From Chalkboard to Shackles

March 2017
A respected middle-school teacher, admired wife, beloved mother finds herself in behind bars because of her drinking. Ironically, it’s there her freedom begins.

Two Gifts

March 2017
The first sound he heard, shuffling down the hall of the detox in pajamas and paper slippers, was laughter. But where could it be coming from?

My Chains Are Gone

March 2012
AA relieved him of his alcoholism and self-destructive behavior

Chance Encounter

March 2012
A kind message from a customer in the grocery store turned his AA program around

A Free Soul

March 2012
In AA he found a freedom that transcended the prison walls


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