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Magazine Issue


My Friend Bill

April 2012
An AA reflects upon his friendship with an oldtimer he met at a meeting overseas

The Door of My Soul

April 2012
A Young AA lost herself to alcohol but AA proved to be the key

Homeless But Not Hopeless

April 2012
One day he woke up and realized that he didn't have to live like this anymore

Strike Out

April 2012
We often don't plan our last drink. She had hers at a baseball game.

Seven Miles High

April 2012
Daily drinking on a dangerous road got him a DUI and an introduction to AA

While I Was in Prison

April 2012
Literature and letters helped this prisoner find AA and start a sober life

A New Kind of Love

April 2012
In sobriety, she learned how to love herself and others

The May 2012 Grapevine is Here!

April 2012
In this month's special section, members share about the tools of the program

Sunset on the Ferris Wheel

April 2012
The ups and downs of the drinking life finally came to an end

The Heartbeat of AA

April 2012
Asking for help and helping others was her lifeline in the program


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