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Advanced Sobriety 101

March 2019 | What’s On Your Mind?
His pain was like a compass, pointing due north to the healing work that needed to be done

Getting Involved In General Service

March 2019 | What’s On Your Mind?
She learned through service that when you step outside your comfort zone, magical things can happen

A God Of My Understanding

March 2019 | What’s On Your Mind?
His perception of God may be a little bit different, but he believes in Alcoholics Anonymous before everything else

A Room for My Heart

April 2017
A woman finds a new home group after moving to a new town

Room 307

April 2017
Alone and afraid, a young alcoholic enters a facility that will connect her to AA and a better life

Jump start

April 2017
The information he got in treatment about the program started this young man’s AA engine and put his sobriety in high gear

Basic training

April 2017
Five weeks of outpatient were the building blocks to AA and a sober life

Just released—what now?

April 2017
When it’s time to leave the facility and there’s booze on every corner, Bridging the Gap can help

Miracle in Hollywood

April 2017
After years of relapsing, he finally connected to AA at a recovery house in the town known for making dreams come true

Here come the vans

April 2017
Just when he felt too nervous to do service, some guys who needed help saved the day


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