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Magazine Issue


Honest, Open and Willing

March 2018
This wandering alcoholic never found a place to call “home”—until he stepped through the doors of a small meeting in Vermont

The Magic Set Me Free

March 2018
Another women turns a newcomer’s fear into faith by showing her that sobriety has undreamed of rewards

The Gift of Receiving

March 2018
Faced with serious surgery and its aftermath, an AA learns that one must be willing to receive as well as to give

Step Twelve

March 2018
Seeking a way to stay in the present moment, rather than lamenting yesterday and fearing tomorrow, he discovers Step Twelve

They Can Recover

March 2018
Stigmatized by mental illness, he discovered in AA that the right doses of both medication and sobriety keep him leading a happy and productive life

No Lightning Bolt, No Burning Bush

February 2013
Her plea was not an earth-shaking moment—but it worked

A Kernel of Wheat

February 2013

That Big Green Thing

February 2013
How a mysterious metal box helped him begin to believe

One Dark Night

February 2013

Dawn at the Rehab

February 2013
She was angry and wanted nothing to do with God—until one frozen 5 a.m. smoke break


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