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Magazine Issue


The light of the stars

October 2016
Standing there waiting for his ride to work, a beginner looks up at the dawn sky—and discovers in the morning stars a gift of light, awareness, and self-knowledge.

The Road Best Traveled

October 2016
Putting down a drink is one thing, finding emotional sobriety quite another, according to this alcoholic, sober now 28 years.

Stranger In My Head

October 2016
Coming into AA in his 70s, it took him a while to get used to the sober “stranger” who now inhabits him and helps guide the way

Is “Attraction” Spelled With Four Letters?

October 2016
Does profanity at meetings unite us or divide us? And what does the outside world think? One AA gives his opinion

13th-Stepping And The Damage Done

October 2016
When does a warm greeting go too far? One AA woman writes of how meetings need to be a safe haven, but can’t be when members engage in practices that many consider predatory.

There Really Are No Coincidences

October 2016
Stuck with his busted motorcycle by the side of the road, he says a prayer—and the “coincidences” come fast and furious

Sober with No God

Magazine Issue October 2016 | Topics None

Ceased Fighting

Magazine Issue October 2016 | Topics None

God on every page

Magazine Issue October 2016 | Topics None

No Worshiping for me

Magazine Issue October 2016 | Topics None


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