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Trains, Dogs & Drums

April 2021 | Fun in Sobriety
A nice marriage, a beautiful new three bedroom house and a good sober life. Why was he so annoyed?

Staying in the day

April 2021 | Fun in Sobriety
At night I reflect on my day and do an inventory of my “wins.” I focus on instances when I was kind, generous or gave someone a hand.


April 2021 | Fun in Sobriety
A tough oilman learned about spirituality from a coworker in the fields who always showed him kindness

Time to Pray

April 2021 | Fun in Sobriety
How a powerless moment in a forest one day helped define his instinct for prayer


April 2021 | Fun in Sobriety
A sober woman living alone during the pandemic finds strength and fellowship by dialing numbers

To Value You More

April 2021 | Fun in Sobriety
One day in her Step study group, an oldtimer discovers something brand-new about Step Four. Proof that the learning and growing never stops

The Serenity Prayer

December 1972
How one member applies it to his daily living

I Still Had My Wristwatch

December 1972
She came to AA in a condition of spiritual--if not financial--poverty

My Son, the Alcoholic

April 1967
On Irish cops and rye bread, 'shickers,' and what was wrong with Ham's father

Pivot for Change

April 1967
<emphasis type="italic">Step Discussion</emphasis> <lb<emphasis type="italic">Step Eleven:</emphasis> Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God <emphasis type="italic">as we understood Him</emphasis>, praying only for


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