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Crayons, cookies & kisses

November 2019 | Grapevine Classics
With Steps, coffee and baskets of toys, some California mothers stay sober together

Not Costly

November 2019 | Grapevine Classics
In 1966, five AA groups in Wyoming and California found a way to meet over the telephone—priceless!

Me—a Speaker?

November 2019 | Grapevine Classics

Calm and quiet

November 2019 | Grapevine Classics
After struggling to find an Eleventh Step practice that works for him, he took a leap of faith and finally found emotional balance

The parade in my head

November 2019 | Grapevine Classics

Hidden treasure

November 2019 | Grapevine Classics
Meeting locked, sponsor unavailable, angry as hell...what was this newcomer to do? Thank God he loved old books

Free to explore

November 2019 | Grapevine Classics
A lifelong spiritual seeker gets sober and continues his search for a Higher Power

Pass the gravy

November 2019 | Grapevine Classics
There’s nothing like a Thanksgiving dinner to put the Third Step to the test

Gifts of the Heart

November 2019 | Grapevine Classics
Service at a holiday alkathon brought her closer to the program and her family

Helping Others Survive the Holidays

November 2019 | Grapevine Classics
Staying sober—and even enjoying yourself—during the holidays


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