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At Wit's End

September 2018

Alcoholism At Large

September 2018

This is Life

September 2018
Facing life on life’s terms, she asks not what AA can do for her—but what she can do for AA

The Right Path

September 2018
On a fishing trip with his AA mentor, he discovers that letting go of anger can have transformative results

What’s On Your Mind: What Do We Stand For?

September 2018
One AA believes strongly that accountability begins in the home group and spreads outward

Don’t Dwell On The Past

September 2018
He was drinking at one of the proudest moments of his and his son’s lives, but decades of sobriety have brought him rewards beyond his wildest dreams

Saying Yes To Service

September 2018
Finding a need to fit everyone’s talent—reflections on the beauty of doing service

A New Set of Eyes

September 2018
A meditation on seeing the world with the spiritual pair of glasses provided by AA

Group Inventory: A Privilege and a Duty

September 2018
Bringing your group together on a regular basis for formal reflection and inventory taking helps your group—and AA as a whole

No Off-Season In AA

September 2018
It may take a while to get yourself into “AA shape,” but once you do, stick with it—the rewards can be permanent


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