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Being there

February 2018 | Title Goes Here
In 1962, at the age of 25, I called on God for help and a phone call opened up the doors to AA and a new life. With a good sponsor and lots of meetings, I have enjoyed continuous sobriety ever since.

23 precious years

February 2018 | Title Goes Here
After alcoholism takes her son, she finds comfort and acceptance in the first three Steps

Confessions of an Evolutionist

February 2018 | Title Goes Here
Her ability to debate was no match for the bottle. Luckily, when she got to Step Two, she had a new language

What is sanity

February 2018 | Title Goes Here

A word in edgewise

February 2018 | Title Goes Here
When we’re taking a group conscience, Tradition Two helps us remember to take the time and let God in

Doctor know

February 2018 | Title Goes Here
If this psychiatrist was so smart about alcoholism, how did he end up in his own detox unit?

Educating Pamela

February 2018 | Title Goes Here
Once drunk in a pile of ungraded papers, a teacher gets schooled on how to stay sober and get her joy back

Trouble ahead

February 2018 | Title Goes Here
Her morning prayer was to stay sober. Who knew it would be answered with flashing lights?

How I learned to love “To Wives”

February 2018 | Title Goes Here
He used to roll his eyes and groan. But not anymore

Keeping it safe

February 2018 | Title Goes Here


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