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Magazine Issue


A Second Chance at Life

December 2023 | Remote Communities and sober holidays
From jails to coffee guy to GSR to corrections chair, then delegate, he fell in love with service and never looked back

Window of Opportunity

December 2023 | Remote Communities and sober holidays
At six months sober, his view of the world was getting much better. Well...not this day

Roger & Me

December 2023 | Remote Communities and sober holidays
A sponsor shares about a longtime relationship that left him with the most precious gifts

Making the day count

December 2023 | Remote Communities and sober holidays
When times get tough, he uses the tools he’s learned to find gratitude, share and help others

I Keep Writing

December 2023 | Remote Communities and sober holidays

The perfect night

December 2023 | Remote Communities and sober holidays
Just as the midnight mass bells were ringing, he and his partner were heading to jail

So far yet so close

December 2023 | Remote Communities and sober holidays
A remote teacher at a First Nations community two hours from the nearest grocery store shares how he stays sober and connected

Music to my ears

December 2023 | Remote Communities and sober holidays

Hurricane season

December 2023 | Remote Communities and sober holidays
Once a drunken storm of bad behavior and unrealistic expectations, her holidays are now filled with love


December 2023 | Remote Communities and sober holidays


The Carry the Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions to alcoholics in need. It's not necessary to know the recipient! Sponsor a subscription for someone behind bars, in a treatment facility, nursing home, or who is homebound.

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