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Steps, Traditions & Concepts

Magazine Issue


The Show’s Over

October 2022 | Relapse
Fueled by liquor and fear, he had so many roles he forgot who he was. Then one day, he got to play himself

A World with Clear Eyes

October 2022 | Relapse
When he was drinking, he was lost in his emotions. The Steps of AA helped bring him back


October 2022 | Relapse
I stood there in line growing more and more impatient. After all, I had important things to do. I didn’t have the time to stand in line waiting for their social hour to end.

No One Will Know

October 2022 | Relapse
While working on a construction site with some AA buddies, he had a close call he won’t soon forget

Breaking the cicle

October 2022 | Relapse
A member shares about compassion, chronic relapsing and his longtime friendship with his AA buddy Norm

The Invisible Threshold

July 2015
She thought if she told the truth in the rooms, she would be cast out, shunned and unloved. It turned out the opposite was true

The Ex-Mother-In-Law

July 2015
In her mind, she needed to punish the awful woman who took her kids, but her Higher Power had a better idea

Removing the Muck

July 2015

The River's Flow

July 2015
After diving back into the program, a member with 27 years returns to a familiar wooded spot and learns a beautiful lesson

Window of Opportunity

December 2001
This young alcoholic stepped out a second-story window and into AA.


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