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Time to check out

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
“It’s progress, not perfection.” If you see me “in action” at a grocery store, please, I beg you, don’t tell my sponsor how I acted.

Spot Check On I-94

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
Trying to hold it together with a car full of rambunctious kids, a sober dad gets more and more lost. Time for Step Ten!

A New View

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
The beauty of making amends and not shutting the door on the past is that a window opens to help others

A New View

Magazine Issue September 2020 | Topics Family

Back In Court

April 2020 | Home Group
She started calling out names. I waited and waited and soon I was the only person left. “Mr. F,” the judge said, looking right at me. “I won’t be putting you in jail today.”

Back In Court

Magazine Issue April 2020 | Topics Emotional Sobriety Gratitude Letters from Readers (Dear Grapevine) Personal Stories Spirituality

All Things Are Possible

February 2020 | Tough Times
After a mother loses her son, she finds that listening and sharing are beautiful gifts she can give others

All Things Are Possible

Magazine Issue February 2020 | Topics Emotional Sobriety Family

Even if the truth hurts

October 2019 | Is AA Accessible to all who need it?
At his daughter’s school one day, a sober dad learns a valuable lesson about telling lies

Before we are halfway through

September 2019 | Young & Sober
A member takes us on a long, wonderful journey as she makes her Ninth Step amends and clears a path to freedom


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