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Getting Filled Up

March 2021 | Making Amends
How a quick stop for gas in Las Vegas began as a robbery and turned out to be a moment for hope

The Magic Pill

January 2021 | Oldtimers!
Years ago he came in looking for something to fix him. Before he knew it, the answer was in his hand

We’re in this Together

June 2020 | The Annual Prison Issue
As the women shared their stories about the offenses they committed, the
question she asked herself was...
Didn’t we all?

Getting back up

January 2020 | Spiritual Awakenings
I came into AA in Los Angeles in 1965. I’ve been sober ever since. Through the years, action has been the magic that has kept me going.

A Cold December Night

December 2019 | Remote Communities & Sober Holidays
Watching two AA guys on a Twelfth Step call was a Christmas Eve gift he’ll never forget

Help on the Line

April 2013
How a man named Gery helped keep him from being tossed back into dangerous waters

Web Exclusive: Pass It Down

March 2011
An AA shares how he learned about district service from good service sponsors.

where hugging ain't cool

June 2010
A recovering alcoholic connects with fellow AAs behind the walls

Most humble?

April 2010
If there really were a 'humility pin,' his would have been confiscated


The Carry the Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions to alcoholics in need. It's not necessary to know the recipient! Sponsor a subscription for someone behind bars, in a treatment facility, nursing home, or who is homebound.

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