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Tough Love

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?
A member shares her thoughts about applauding when people come back from multiple relapses

Dear Grapevine

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?

Confessions of a cookie longtimer

February 2022 | Getting Through Tough Times
Out of all the service positions in which she got to serve, this one was by far the sweetest

Dear Grapevine

February 2022 | Getting Through Tough Times

This Beautiful Thing

January 2022 | Beginners
Being present and working the program has given her a joy for life and a deeper sense of purpose

My one wish

December 2021 | Remote Communities & Sober Holidays
I thought, But for the grace of God I get to be here. When I left the jail, I sat in my car and cried tears of joy and thanked God that I had been given a heart that could love like this.

The best gift of all

December 2021 | Remote Communities & Sober Holidays
Depressed and desperate, he signed up to chair the 7 A.M. Christmas morning meeting. It probably saved his life

A warm hug

November 2021 | Prayer and Meditation
On a cold winter morning, a tiny group of alcoholics show up for one another like only AA can

Dear Grapevine

November 2021 | Prayer and Meditation

Keeping busy

October 2021 | Cooperation With Professionals (CPC)
As Twelfth Step calls got more difficult during COVID-19, she just kept thinking outside the box. It was a perfect recipe to cure isolation


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