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Welcome To 2020

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
No meeting rooms? Share on camera? Unmute? How will we do this? COVID-19 kicked this old-timer’s program into high gear

Batten Down the Hatches

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
He used to outdrink all of his buddies. Now he gladly goes to AA meetings wherever he’s deployed

Just Be Myself

August 2020 | LGBTQ+
A long-time member and past trustee shares about his journey serving beyond the group as a gay man

To Share the truth

June 2020 | The Annual Prison Issue
In prison, trust is a scarce commodity; revealing the truth can result in very severe consequences.

Dear Grapevine

June 2020 | The Annual Prison Issue

Mysterious Ways

May 2020 | Getting Into General Service
You never know when an opportunity to carry the message will come. A little prayer to be of maximum service is always a good way to start my day.

Dear Grapevine

January 2020 | Spiritual Awakenings

Hearing my story

August 2019 | African-American Alcoholics in AA
A surprise call from a fellow member reminds her how much Grapevine has helped her

Sometimes very slowly

May 2019 | Our Big Book–80 Wonderful Years
It took her 30 years, but General Service made her fall in love with AA all over again

Unhappy memorial day

April 2019 | Relapse
After a bellyfull of beer, a sober Vietnam vet’s celebration takes a very nasty turn


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