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A Flood of Tears

Magazine Issue July 2023 | Topics Gratitude Homegroup/Meetings Sponsorship

40 Years of Tears

April 2023 | AA & Families
Grief and pain used to just build up, but now that she’s sober she can meet it head on

Step Fur

April 2023 | AA & Families
If her inventory had been fur-less, she wouldn’t have had a chilly run-in with the truth

With Tolerance & Love

April 2023 | AA & Families
Tolerance was the key to our relationship. She and I developed “key words” to help us. When there was tension, Karen could say, “Hot chocolate.” That was my clue to call my sponsor.

40 Years of Tears

Magazine Issue April 2023 | Topics Oldtimers Personal Stories

Step Fur

Magazine Issue April 2023 | Topics Oldtimers Sponsorship

With Tolerance & Love

Magazine Issue April 2023 | Topics Oldtimers Family Relationships

Feeling Free

March 2023 | Get Into Service
A member shares how our Third Step Prayer gives him a sense of peace, acceptance and joy

Starting my day

March 2023 | Get Into Service
A past delegate recalls how he learned that a good day of service can begin with a well-made bed

Give away!

March 2023 | Get Into Service
I started reading a story a day. I began bookmarking highlights and now have them as reference much like I’ve underlined my Big Book over the years.


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