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Still Standing Tall

October 2015
Through pests and storms, he's stayed sane and sober for 52 miraculous years

That Old Familiar

October 2015
She had lived through many bottoms during her drinking career, but this time was different

Suiting Up

October 2015
The second time he came to AA, he did things differently. And he got different results

About Last Night

October 2015
His wife filled him in on the details of his last bout of drinking

I Get To Be With Her

September 2015

My Superhero

September 2015
A father begins to made amends to the daughters he was once too drunk to love

The Ride I'll Never Forget

September 2015
He thought he was just riding his bike to a morning meeting. He had no idea he was making an amends

12 Steps—8000 Miles

September 2015
Thanks to the Internet, a newcomer in Argentina finds a sponsor who can help her do the work

New Friends

July 2015
A former cop finds new backup in AA

On the Way to Work

July 2015
She didn’t know yet that day was going to be different from all the others


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