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The minute I walked in

March 2023 | Get Into Service
She lovingly looked at me and said, “Sweetie, none of that is a requirement to be here.” I now have more than 11,000 days of sobriety.

Safe to belong

March 2023 | Get Into Service
He expresses his gratitude for Tradition Three and how it helped hin claim his chair

The minute I walked in

Magazine Issue March 2023 | Topics COVID-19 Gratitude Homegroup/Meetings

Safe to belong

Magazine Issue March 2023 | Topics Atheism/Agnosticism Gratitude Homegroup/Meetings Relapse Sponsorship

Not by accident

February 2023 | Making Amends
How do you clear up the past when you’ve blamed yourself for years for someone’s death?

Not by accident

Magazine Issue February 2023 | Topics Making Amends Gratitude Spirituality

Sometimes Quickly Sometimes Slowly

September 2022 | Young & Sober
With surrender and action, the Ninth Step Promises came true. But it’s a process, she says. You can’t just flip a switch

Sometimes Quickly Sometimes Slowly

Magazine Issue September 2022 | Topics Gratitude Service/Into Action Spirituality

A tough amend

September 2021 | Young & Sober!
How would he ever make amends to the man he had knifed in the back? In AA, we find a way

A Tough Amend

Magazine Issue September 2021 | Topics Gratitude Homegroup/Meetings Service/Into Action Spirituality Sponsorship


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