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Here’s what’s new for November

AA Grapevine Inc. will increase the price of La Viña magazine
The AA Grapevine Half-Hour Variety Hour Podcast turns 3 years old!
New YouTube Playlist: Sober Women!
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Rep FAQs

What do Grapevine Reps do?

The group Grapevine representative (GvR) is the person who, every month, brings the homegroup that special mix of inspiration, personal stories, history, humor, and diverse opinion we all know as the AA Grapevine. The representative makes sure that copies are available and displayed at meetings and lets everyone know what's in the latest issue. Grapevine reps at the group, district, and area-level play an important role in the AA service structure, helping to carry the message of AA to the alcoholic who still suffers.

What other ways do the Grapevine Reps help?

The Grapevine is a powerful tool of recovery, often reaching the alcoholic who is still isolating at home or confined to a hospital bed or correctional facility. It is also helpful to doctors, lawyers, and other professionals who come in contact with alcoholics to find out how Alcoholics Anonymous works. And for most AAs—not just newcomers—it is "our meeting in print." We don't outgrow meetings, and we don't outgrow the AA Grapevine.

How can someone become a Grapevine Rep?

If your group doesn't have a Grapevine representative, you can become one yourself by volunteering or getting elected to the position by your homegroup.

GvRs may register online. Or they may register by contacting the GvR coordinator at the Grapevine office:

475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115
Telephone: (212) 870-3018
Fax: (212) 870-3301 
E-mail: [email protected]

For complimentary display material, send e-mail to [email protected].

When you register, you will receive a GvR starter kit with introductory material and a confirmation letter. (Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.) You will also receive a password to access the GrapeNet Forum.

It's also important for the new GvR to contact the district and area Grapevine chairs in their area. District and area chairs have helpful hands-on information for them as well as a variety of materials; many also provide magazines, display materials, and books. In addition, area chairs often hold regular meetings for district and group GvRs so they can share ideas. They will welcome your help.

Where can I get more information on being a Grapevine representative?

To find out more about the magazines and what Grapevine and La Viña reps do, refer to the Guide to the AA Grapevine. In it, you will find everything from the history of the Grapevine to a variety of ideas from former Grapevine reps.