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July 1944

The Pleasures of Reading

Advice direct from hell. Human-relation pointers given by Screwtape, a senior devil, to a favored nephew operating on earth are amusingly set forth by C. S. Lewis in "Screwtape Letters." (Macmillan Co. 1.50). Readers will laugh at the shrewd portrayal of soft spots, alibis and rationalizations suggested by Screwtape in the battle between His Father, Satan, and The Enemy, God. They will appreciate the clever inverse presentation of time-proved Christian philosophy and counsel. Mr. Lewis, a Fellow of Magdalene College, is one of England's popular contemporary writers and radio speakers. "The Case for Christianity" (1.00) and "Christian Behavior" (1.00) offer straight treatment of the very real, every-day value of right living. All three volumes are well worth-while and easy to read. Mel C.


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