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August 1947

A.A.'s Country-wide News Circuit

Prison Group Gets Hope

From the Attica, N. Y. State Prison an A.A. member writes as follows: "A new venture has come to Attica Prison; its members--inmates whose shortening of their days of liberty to a great extent can be placed on alcohol and who seek recovery; its object--to prove to these same men that A.A. knows them. The standards are high but there are specific steps to remedy the terrible situation of the prison alcoholic. Thanks to the warden, Dr. Walter B. Martin, various members of A.A. visit each Thursday for an hour with the men, who now number 20, a nucleus expected to increase. Thus far 14 meetings have been held. The hopes of the Attica Prison Group lie today with the methods of A.A. We are helpless without them. The observer can be certain of one thing. A.A. is here to stay. Appreciation for these A.A.s who spend their valuable time with walled-in alcoholics is very great. May this group, who are attempting to lead prison alcoholics away from alcoholism, see their efforts rewarded."


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