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February 1948

A.A.'s Country-wide News Circuit

A.A. Property Tax Exempt

The state board of tax appeals gave the Cincinnati, Ohio, Fellowship of A.A. a friendly pat on the back recently in an order exempting its property from taxation. Exemption of the Group's residential property at 405 Oak Street was granted on the ground that it is used exclusively for charitable purposes. The order applied only to the Cincinnati Fellowship. Other units of A.A. operating in Ohio are understood to rent the property used for meeting places. Along with the order came a commendation from the board which said in part: "As this is the first exemption asked by an institution of this character the board feels that it should receive such consideration and comment as it richly deserves. Many applications come to this board for exemption on charitable grounds wherein it is extremely difficult to ascertain that charity is actually dispensed. The present requests are indeed refreshing in that herein is found affirmative answer to Cain's question, 'Am I my brother's keeper?' " The news story in the Cincinnati Enquirer then goes on to praise A.A. and tell of its work.


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