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December 1964

Carrying the Message

A gift for the Grapevine

". . .when I spoke I gave my tribute to the Grapevine as I feel the deepest gratitude for what it did for me when I wasn't allowed to go to meetings sometimes. Many came up to me after the meeting and also expressed their gratitude for the help the Grapevine gave them and still does. One woman told me that the Grapevine was all the Christmas they had the first year, but it was plenty. Her husband had just come into AA and the two of them sat and read old Grapevines that Christmas. She said she and the kids ate them up too. The hope they held out sustained them all through the holidays. . .even with no money and no presents they felt blessed with hope and courage. . .I can't begin to put it as she did. I felt that I must tell you all.


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