It Works at Work
November 2015 | Featured Section

It Works at Work

Angry and resentful at her coworkers, she stepped on toes and they retaliated. What was she to do? AA had the answer

A frustrating morning at work drove me to a noon AA meeting where I was called on to share. I unloaded my frustration of working with people who cared only for themselves. A coworker had (I thought) intentionally misled me about the location of a business meeting where, as a trainee, I was to observe him facilitate. This, I thought, was my big chance and he seemed intent on elbowing me out of the limelight. Four years of both college and sobriety had resulted in an unfinished degree and the title of clerk. No matter how hard I worked, nothing seemed to make a difference in either my income or my title. I was ambitious and hardworking but with no direction. I repeatedly asked my sponsor when I would know what direction I should take at work. His response was always, “Just show up and be of service.”


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