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Just Maybe

It was the most difficult amends he would ever have to make in his life, but he found that an ounce of willingness carried him a long way

I had been around AA for about three years. I had done a few inventories and had really knocked off my amends list. Yet there was one resentment I wasn’t willing to let go of. I knew without a doubt I didn’t owe this guy an amends. During my active alcoholism, I hadn’t been the best boyfriend to my current wife. She found an emotional connection to a man with whom she worked; when I found out, I threatened to kill this guy. My plan was to go to his work and end him. Through certain circumstances, I ended up not being able to get to him. This man made it onto each of my inventories, but I just wasn’t willing to see my part at all. It was all his fault. 


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