The Revolving Door
Grapevine Online Exclusives

The Revolving Door

Finding his way to sobriety

My name is Jim H. and I am an alcoholic. I have been sober since July 23, 2007. I believe I was born with an addictive personality. In other words, my genes were against me. I also have bipolar disorder. I remember being compulsive about things before I ever took a drink or a drug. The first things I collected were comic books and toys. This may seem pretty harmless, but I was on the path to avoiding reality any way I could. My dad had an anger problem which I inherited. I was the youngest of my siblings, with an older brother and sister. I was spoiled, getting most of the books and toys that I wanted. I think my family did that to keep me out of their hair. I always wanted to get by doing the least I could. I usually isolated and read when everyone else socialized.


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