Count your days
How many days do you have today? See how many years, months, days and hours you have of sobriety.
It's amazing what can happen one day at a time.
You have been sober for
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Anniversary/Birthday Cards
Would you or your group like to give someone an anniversary or birthday card? It’s easy!
Simply input their sobriety date above and then click the “view your card” button below.
When you click that button, the card will be visible and you can print it from there by using the print icon or option on your computer. When the printer box opens, make sure that the page orientation is set to landscape.
This is a great new way to celebrate these milestones as an individual or as a group!
Grapevine Daily Quote November 4
“The Twelve Steps ... are simple in language, plain in meaning. They are also workable by any person having a sincere desire to obtain and keep sobriety. The results are the proof. Their simplicity and workability are such that no special interpretations, and certainly no reservations, have ever been necessary. And it has become increasingly clear that the degree of harmonious living which we achieve is in direct ratio to our earnest attempt to follow them literally under divine guidance to the best of our ability.”