Young and Sober
This month’s featured section is “Young & Sober.” Members share about the joys and challenges of getting sober and active in AA in their teens, 20s, and 30s.
YPAA World Tour: Audio Stories from Young People in AA
Now Available in our Audio Project!
Count your days! Sobriety Calculator
See how many years, months, days, and hours you have of sobriety. It's amazing what can happen one day at a time.
Soaking in the Sun
I was approached by a friend from my home group a while back about writing an article on getting sober young.
Making Things Right
The silence in the car was palpable. I held my breath. The only thing going through my head was the phrase, “… except when to do so would injure them or others.” This was a big mistake.
When Sharing Matters
I often wonder if my experience, strength and hope actually touches someone. It’s hard to tell sometimes. But here are a few examples I won’t forget.
Stories Like Mine
I never imagined I’d identify as an alcoholic, nor did I consider that one day I would proudly identify as a gay woman. In my mind, individuals of this type had a very specific look.
On Second Thought
I haven’t had a sponsor since Big Bill passed over a year ago. With 44 years of sobriety, it doesn’t feel as urgent to have a sponsor anymore. But I still get uncomfortable sometimes.
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Grapevine Daily Quote September 8
“We who live in the haven of AA cling together with an intensity of purpose which the outside world seldom comprehends. The anarchy of the individual melts away. Self-love subsides and democracy becomes a reality. We begin to know true freedom of the spirit.”
Sobriety Calculator
Count your days here.