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Wet in a Dry Country

Magazine Issue December 2020 | Topics AA Around the World Remote Communities Service/Into Action Work/Career

Keeping Me Afloat

Magazine Issue December 2020 | Topics Remote Communities Service/Into Action

On Top of the World

Magazine Issue December 2020 | Topics Remote Communities Spirituality

Better with Age

Magazine Issue December 2020 | Topics Homegroup/Meetings Remote Communities

No Meetings in Sight

Magazine Issue December 2020 | Topics Gratitude Homegroup/Meetings Remote Communities Travel in Sobriety

My Oasıs

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
Except for an occasional scorpion or two, this wonderful desert meeting was her safe, sober home

Big Book, Coffeepot & Me

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
For the first two months, I’d show up Wednesday nights at the appointed time, unlock the space, make coffee and sit there and read. After an hour, I’d dump the coffee.

Lighting the Way

August 2020 | LGBTQ+
A remote communities chair was surprisingly prepared when the COVID-19 crisis hit

A New Light In Zhengzhou

July 2020 | AA Around The World
Stirring souls and touching hearts, a powerful weekend in China brings hope to millions of alcoholics

Somehow We Did It

July 2020 | AA Around The World
An AA member in Moldova shares his journey to nurture local groups despite language barriers


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