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Birthday Party Syndrome

February 2018 | Title Goes Here
It was a glamorous party, among beautiful people—but what happened next stayed with her until she chose recovery and changed her life

Beyond My Wildest Dreams

February 2018 | Title Goes Here
From hardcore rehabs and vodka hidden behind the breakfast cereal to a special morning with her family, one woman’s story of recovery

How I “Got” A Sponsor

February 2018 | Title Goes Here
Her recipe for finding the right sponsor? Go to a meeting, find someone who looks like she really wants to be there—and just ask

The Real Me Now

February 2018 | Title Goes Here
Through the beauty of nature and the AA program, she is able to find serenity—and her true self—at last

At the Fish Fry

March 2014
While looking for a grand spiritual experience, he came to see that his awakening was the result of many moments along the way

The Day It Ended

March 2014
He reached his bottom while sitting in a psychiatrist's office with his wife and son

Many Stories Later

March 2014
An old timer recounts how he came to be in AA

A Place in the World

March 2014
Living in a predominately white country overseas, an African American man discovers that he can feel at home in an AA meeting anywhere

A Reader's Response

March 2014
An article on cross talk in the November 2013 Grapevine got this AA thinking

Shoveling the Snow

March 2014
A woman comes to understand the Fourth Step through winter's responsibilities


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