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Magazine Issue


Sink or Swim

July 2021 | The Annual Prison Issue
Through tears, fits, fear and phone calls, she held tight to her Higher Power and got sober in a pandemic

Donut Holes

July 2021 | The Annual Prison Issue
We’ve been out there all year. We’ve had lots of picnics, eaten donuts, worn T-shirts and tried our best to laugh through the pandemic.

Best Hamburger Ever

July 2021 | The Annual Prison Issue
How a much needed meal served up the ingredients for repeated acts of kindness

A Mom’s Return

July 2021 | The Annual Prison Issue
Through living amends, a grateful sober mother comes full circle with the children she once abandoned for booze

Meeting on the yard

July 2021 | The Annual Prison Issue
When outside volunteers can’t make it in, these women know just what to do

Striking Gold

July 2021 | The Annual Prison Issue
There’s nothing like carrying the message inside and seeing hope take hold

A Spirit Like Nowhere Else

February 2022 | Getting Through Tough Times
In the Gulf Islands of British Columbia, the love of the Fellowship makes this member feel right at home

Why We Do It

May 2016
Service beyond the group ensures that AA will be here for the alcoholic not yet in the door

Slow Grower

May 2016
His sponsor planted the seed of general service, but it didn’t take root right away. He had to get there on his own


May 2016
It was bad enough his sponsor volunteered him for coffee, but chairs and cleanup too?


The Carry the Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions to alcoholics in need. It's not necessary to know the recipient! Sponsor a subscription for someone behind bars, in a treatment facility, nursing home, or who is homebound.

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